The Pollinators
Bees, Birds, Butterflies, Bats, Beetles and other Bugs
See details about our Apiary Science Project below
A pollinator is the biotic agent that moves pollen from the male anthers of a flower to the female stigma of a flower to accomplish fertilization.
Plants fall into pollination syndromes that reflect the type of pollinator being attracted. These are characteristics such as: overall flower size, the depth and width of the corolla, the color (including patterns called nectar guides that are visible only in ultraviolet light), the scent, amount of nectar, composition of nectar, etc. For example, birds visit red flowers with long narrow tubes and lots of nectar, but are not as strongly attracted to wide flowers with little nectar and copious pollen, which are more attractive to beetles.
The most recognized pollinators are the various species of bees, which are plainly adapted to pollination. Bees typically are fuzzy and carry an electrostatic charge. Both features help pollen grains adhere to their bodies. Other than bees there are butterflies, beetles, birds, beetles, bats and a host of others bugs that are a part of the genius of pollination.
Honey bees travel from flower to flower, collecting nectar (later converted to honey), and pollen grains. The bee collects the pollen by rubbing against the anthers. The pollen collects on the hind legs, in a structure referred to as a "pollen basket". As the bee flies from flower to flower, some of the pollen grains are transferred onto the stigma of other flowers. Nectar provides the energy for bee nutrition; pollen provides the protein. When bees are rearing large quantities of brood (beekeepers say hives are "building"), bees deliberately gather pollen to meet the nutritional needs of the brood. A honey bee that is deliberately gathering pollen is up to ten times more efficient as a pollinator than one that is primarily gathering nectar and only unintentionally transferring pollen.
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Without these partners in the process we would not enjoy the beauty and scent of the flowers or the taste of fruits and vegetables. We must ever be thankful for and protective of these little working marvels of nature.
Check out BBGSUSA's Apiary Science Programs (ASP) below.
The Pollinator Times
Crane, Eva. The Archaeology of Beekeeping. Cornell University Press, 1983. ISBN: 0-8014-1609-4. An excellent book, this is out of print and rather pricey on the second-hand market. However, it is available at university libraries or through interlibrary loan.
A free PDF of "It is the Land of Honey: Beekeeping at Tel Rehov" is available from The Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
BBGSUSA's Apiary Science Program (ASP)
We are a 501 c3 not-for-profit organization, incorporated educational institution having as part of its mission: to engage young minds and youth-at-risk in fascinating new arenas of hands-on, up-close, and personal knowledge of science and the possibilities such experiences might open to them. Our primary science at this time involves the importance of pollinators; bees specifically.
We are creating an environmentally safe, wildlife friendly, natural habitat for a colony of beehives. These healthy hives will be one of our outdoor classrooms for the children.
We seek to educate these young men and women about a broad range of topics relative to creation care; habitat restoration, planting of nectar rich wild flowers, study of the role of pollinators, and all aspects of beekeeping.
Bees have proven their ability to make earth’s natural sweetener to capture and hold the wonder of young minds. We need to harness and direct this sense of wonder and awe. In some cases awaken that sense of awe and wonder (at the beauty and a complexity of life) is the challenge.
We need to focus the next generation’s minds and energies on issues and subjects that will make a difference in their lives and the future of our planet.
Mark Bez is the director of the ASP program and would be delighted to speak at your school, church, synagogue, youth group or children's program. He is an enthusiastic educator that can relate to children and teens.
Contact the BBGSUSA's office at 386-454-0559 for details
Photo by Shirley Sidell, Shoreline, Washington.
Shirley serves as Professional advisors to BBGSUSA. She is considered one of just a handful of experts in the Biblical botanical field.
Mark Bez- The director of the ASP programs at BBGSUSA.
Kids up close to an active beehive; incidently, no one got stung and every youngster was proud of themselves for touching the bees.

We advocate biblical gardeners joining Beekeeping clubs or associations for without our small friends here would be no beautiful fruits and flowers.
Mark Bez is an active member of the Alachua County Beekeepers Club and recently appointed the Director of Youth and Community Education for the club.
Butterflies were and continue to be essential pollinators of flora throughout the eastern Mediterranean region, includin Israel.